Hello and Welcome to #SAFE.

The Healthcare Social Network.

Hello and Welcome to #SAFE.


The idea behind this project was born when we realized, at the peak of the covid-19 pandemic, that the healthcare system was collapsed.

The lack of efficiency was huge and researching the evidence showed that there was no evolution since 1970.

The worst thing was that every day, doctors had less time to spend with their patients because of this archaic healthcare approach.

The tech innovations were evolving and developing hyper-fast in other industries but for some reason, health was not moving anywhere.

  • Doctors keep doing prescriptions by hand.
  • Serious burn-out mistakes.
  • Expired orders.
  • Last-minute cancelled appointments. Chaotic agendas.
  • Complementary studies all over the place with no central integration and objective analysis.

All kinds of problems for both the doctors and patients. The reason, who knows? but something is wrong.

If you look at your own family and friends you'll find that in every aspect of their lives, there was a tech-driven evolution: Finance, payments, entertainment, jobs, education, cars, logistic, fitness, cooking, nutrition and many more.

In the health domain, you realize that everything is the same as 50 years ago.

Little to no changes at all.

Of course, there was development in some medical treatments, however, the majority of the society never gets notified on time about these new treatments or drugs for their diseases, and most of the advances are in the farmaceutical industry with moderate impact on the day to day health issues of the society.

Some clinics had developed web portals but most of them are outdated with deprecated technologies. Collapsed servers, no cloud computing, no machine learning assistance, slow connections, poor user experiences and none of the top innovations of the last 10 years are applied.

The field of AI (artificial intelligence) in medicine is growing very fast but over the research environment, not the clinical.

#SAFE comes to fix all this things together, in one cloud-based platform, powered by three of the top technologies nowadays:

Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 01.00.08.png #blockchain: Confidentiality, integrity, and authentication of patient data. Medical results safely share, with different doctors and healthcare professionals, across the globe. One unique SMR (Safe Medical Record), protected, universally accessible, and intelligent.

Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 01.05.49.png #Artificial intelligence: Assistive day-to-day medical practice, avoiding common medical errors. Real-time updates on guidelines and evidence-based recommendations, optimal screening interventions and notifications, efficiency in handling patients appointments, prescriptions, complementaries, and surgeries.
Learn more...

Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 01.36.21.png #Cloud-based computing: Nothing could be done fast and efficiently nowadays as the data grows exponentially without the support of cloud-based models and realtime databases. AWS are our top-notch choice because of the flexibility and different resources. Plus the academic, elite level, support.

Joining these three technologies we end up with a unique cloud-based secure and intelligent platform that breaks every healthcare system paradigm running in these days. Bringing patients tightly coupled with their doctors, assistants, nurses and all the healthcare system, including their families and friends.

Taking all the patient Health-related EcoSystem in one place, for better Networking, in a decentralized manner, prioritizing fast, efficient and elite level healthcare solutions.

The possibilities of improvements are endless. From tracking your kid's vaccines calendars, synced with your paediatrician profile, taking a last minute appointment with your doctor, to real-time, medical status updates for family and friends of patients critically ill in the UCI. Doctor agnostic platform, having all your complementary studies in one integrated site, to make intelligent decisions and approaches over your health-related issues.

You can do your blood analysis in your preferred lab, your periodic controls on other places and your CT scan or your MRI for that particular problem in anyplace you want. You then will have all the information integrated into one unique source. Better for you and better for your doctors, to have the complete picture of you.

It's an open-source project. Coded in a modular(SoC) loosely coupled and high cohesive innovative way, fully extensible.

You will sign up the same way you did to your Twitter account and you start using it without further ado.

The primary goal was to create a simple, fast, and efficient platform to connect all the dots of the healthcare system and bind them together.

This was the tip of the iceberg and a little peek of the project.

We are scheduling the formal presentation in the healthcare community by November 2021. Experimental Implementation tests starting by october 2021.

Feel free to contact us and join the team. We are very excited! Sincerely,

#SAFE team.
